
Cyran Aouameur

Sony CSL – Paris Music Team

I am an engineer with a degree from École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy and a Master’s in Acoustics, Signal Processing, and Computer Science Applied to Music (ATIAM) from IRCAM. As a self-taught musician, my primary instrument has always been the computer, and I got fascinated with taking a scientific approach to music technology.
Today, my focus is on turning my team’s research breakthroughs into practical prototypes and demos that enable creative collaborations with artists, making cutting-edge technologies both accessible and impactful in artistic contexts.

From the Lab to the Market, an update on the Music Team’s entrepreneurial adventure

As some of you might know, the music team is currently working with other divisions of Sony towards a product based on the source separation technology developed by Sony R&D. In this talk, I want to give an update on what we are doing, from a very practical perspective. I will try to contextualize this project in the recent trajectory of the team and I will detail some of the workshops we’ve had over the past 6 months. My goal is to transmit both the chain of thought that got us here, but also the method that we are following, in case anyone wants to apply parts of it to their own projects.