The FCG Editor: a new milestone for linguistics and human-centric AI


The FCG Editor is a free and innovative Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for engineering computational construction grammars. The design philosophy and description of the FCG Editor has now appeared in a PlosOne Article. Construction Grammar is an innovative linguistic theory that has been slowly but surely transforming the study of language since its conception in […]

Poiesthetic Writing Assistance – Part IV: Insights and the Future


In part II and III of this series on poeisthetic writing assistance, we explained what poeisthetic writing assistance is and showcased Poiesis Studio, our prototype for providing poeisthetic writing assistance. We also shared our experiences of working with users, as they tried out our system, gaining insight from artists and attendees at the Maker Faire. […]

When meaning meets human-centric AI: MUHAI lands in Paris


The Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris were proud to welcome their partners from the MUHAI project for a three-day project meeting at the beautiful Centre Culturel des Irlandais, situated at only a stone throw away from the lab in the Paris Latin Quarter. The MUHAI project (short for: Meaning and Understanding in Human-Centric AI) investigates […]

Poiesthetic Writing Assistance – Part II: Poiesis Studio


In part II of this series on poiesthetic writing assistance, we will showcase Poiesis Studio, our testbed for exploring AI-driven writing assistance. In part III, we are going to go ahead and demonstrate interactive text generation using our system and reflect on what we have learned from trying it out so far. Poiesis Studio If […]

Poiesthetic Writing Assistance – Part I: Language Models


At the Language Team in Sony CSL, we are very interested in how people can use artificial intelligence (AI) in their creative processes. There have been many recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence that we believe will help to turbo-charge creativity in writing. Unlike grammar-checkers or spell-checkers, our goal is not to correct […]

Our Open House at Maker Faire Rome 2021


“Science is a never-ending journey towards a free and a better world. At CSL, we care for the journey and the destination”. The metaphor of journey has been the suitable one to refer to, first to develop the concept and then to describe the Sony CSL Open House experience that took place on the occasion […]

The metaphor of journey

maker faire rome

Sony CSL Paris Open House at Maker Faire Rome Rome, 7-10 October 2021 From the 8th till the 10th of October 2021, Sony CSL Paris has showcased its researches and technologies to the public on the occasion of the 9th edition of the Maker Faire Rome. The event took place at the iconic Rome Gasometer […]

Sony CSL Paris – AGCOM Data Science Task Force on GitHub


Italy is one of the global epicentres of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the national Government declaring the state of emergency in the entire Italian territory. As of the beginning of March 2020, AGCOM (the Italian Communications Authority) was called upon supporting the Government action in matters concerning the regulation of communications operators and the consumer […]

New book on the project “Phenotypes”


The book to match the successful art installation “Phenotypes / Limited Forms” has finally arrived! Armin Linke and Peter Hanappe, together with designer Laure Giletti, analyze the more than 28000 photo books that have been created with the interactive installation to make sense of this large quantity of data. The artwork, which traveled through Europe […]