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Music Team @ ISMIR 2019


The music team attended the 20th annual conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) that took place in the city of Delft, The Netherlands, from November 4-8, 2019. The conference featured 4 papers (co-)authored by Sony CSL :

Controlling Symbolic Music Generation based on Concept Learning from Domain Knowledge, from Taketo Akama (CSL Tokyo)
Talk and paper

Auto-adaptive Resonance Equalization using Dilated Residual Networks, from Maarten Grachten and Emmanuel Deruty
Talk and paper

Learning to Traverse Latent Spaces for Musical Score Inpainting, from Ashis Pati, Alexander Lerch and Gaëtan Hadjeres
Talk and paper

Stefan Lattner receives one of the four Best Paper Awards – ISMIR 2019

Learning Complex Basis Functions for Invariant Representations of Audio, from Stefan Lattner, Monika Dorfler and Andreas Arzt, that won a Best Paper Award!
Talk and paper

Also, the team held a demonstration booth. During the breaks and after the talks, they have shown the latest music tools developed in the lab, namely NONOTO, DrumNet and PlanetDrums.

The booth was shared with Sony R&D who showed OpenUnmix, a state-of-the-art open-source tool for source separation. Find the demo here:

We would like to thank Sony R&D again, in particular, Yuki Mitsufuji, for inviting us to participate in the booth.

Sony CSL – R&D joint booth at ISMIR 2019