Barath Raghavan

Barath Raghavan

University of Southern California

Barath Raghavan joined USC as an assistant professor of computer science in 2018 after many years in engineering and research. Previously he led the engineering team at Nefeli Networks, was a senior staff researcher at ICSI Berkeley, was CTO of a social-impact nonprofit, developed networked systems at Google, and taught complexity theory at Williams College. His work spans an equally diverse range of areas including Internet architecture, network function virtualization, digital agriculture, network security and privacy, rural Internet access, network troubleshooting and testing, and computing for urban resilience. He received his PhD in Computer Science from UC San Diego in 2009 and his BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 2002. He has received a number of paper awards including from ACM SIGCOMM, USENIX/ACM NSDI, ACM DEV, ACM CHI, and the IRTF.

Life in the Agroecosystem

Most of us live in urban settings, and when we look at a map, the primary things we see are concrete and wood: the roads and the buildings that make a city a city. But what if we invert it, and focus on the dirt, the soil, the ground, like a negative image. Then the concrete and wood is the other stuff that just happens to be there. Welcome to life in the agroecosystem: where we conceive of our primary residence as being in an ecosystem, a landbase, that then also happens to have places of dwelling and the like. How can we reconceive of cities as agroecosystems, and what would it mean if we did?