
Davide Dreon


I studied in Trieste, Italy, specialising in condensed matter. I couldn’t decide whether to become a theorist or an experimentalist until I came to Paris in 2012 and started a Master’s thesis in Jean Dalibard’s group at ENS. I fell in love with atom optics and have continued to work on it ever since. I did my PhD in the same group, building an experiment on ultracold Dysprosium gases from scratch. I then moved to Zurich, where I worked on cavity quantum electrodynamics with Bose-Einstein condensates in Tilman Esslinger’s group at ETH. I came back to Paris at the end of last year to work at Pasqal, a startup which is also using cold atom technologies.

Quantum computing with neutral atoms

The unprecedented control of isolated quantum systems is leading to the development of new technologies, so much so that this era is commonly referred to as the “second quantum revolution”. One of the most ambitious technological challenges is the realization of a quantum computer, a machine that uses the properties of the wave functions of many particles to solve computational problems. Different platforms are competing in the race to make the best quantum processor, the most mainstream now being superconducting qubits. In recent years, arrays of neutral atoms in optical tweezers are emerging as an alternative quantum system, capable of both analogue and digital computation, combining high spatial control of individual particles with the potential for large scalability. In this talk, I will present the atom-based quantum processors that we are currently developing at Pasqal, a spin-off from the Institut d’Optique at Palaiseau.