Inès Blin

Inès Blin

Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris

Humans constantly create narratives to provide explanations for how and why something happens. Sherlock Holmes is known for his observation and logical reasoning skills, and is called upon for finding the identity and motivations of the culprits. In other words, we constantly attempt to make sense of different inputs and to come up with a coherent story. In my research, I investigate how to  computationally build structured narratives with knowledge graphs as inputs. The objective is to find and implement a meaningful knowledge representation, and to find relevant inputs for the output graph. I am particularly interested in dynamic representations and in reasoning over the sequence of events’ patterns. By adding the reasoning step, we will be able to make new hypotheses and, therefore, to discover new knowledge.

Building narrative networks from knowledge graphs

Humans constantly create narratives to provide explanations for how and why something happens. Designing systems able to build such narratives would therefore contribute to building more human-centric systems, and to support uses like decision-making processes. This presentation defines how narratives are defined in this context and how knowledge graphs can be useful to build them. This presentation furthermore investigates how a first narrative can be built computationally, and more specifically how it can be represented and constructed.Useful references: MUHAI website: Design and use of the Simple Event Model (SEM) – van Hage et al. – 2011 EventKG – the Hub of Event Knowledge on the Web – and Biographical Timeline Generation – Gottschalk and Demidova – 2019