Fritz Höhl

Fritz Höhl

Sony R&D Center Europe-Stuttgart Laboratory 1 (SL1)

Fritz Höhl made his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He works since 2000 at Stuttgart Lab 1 of the Stuttgart Technology Center which hosts two corporate-level research labs of Sony. In the last 10 years, Fritz worked in the area of Natural Language Processing.

SRL++: Towards a Scheme for Representing Deeper Semantics

In this presentation we argue that there is a lack of a common deep-semantic representation scheme which drives the community to use approaches that either do not require deep semantics or that (being neural-based) are expected to create appropriate internal structures automatically themselves. In order to overcome this lack, we propose a meta scheme for human-creatable deep-semantic representations based on an understanding of concepts as single aspects of semantics and a notion of entities that are both nodes in a generalised SRL-like Semantic Graph structure. Our conceptually language- and modality-independent representation also offers a method to define the concepts used in these graphs in a recursive way using a Semantic Graph of more basic concepts.