Modeling the Cultural Evolution of Language

The paper surveys recent research on language evolution, focusing in particular on models of cultural evolution and how they are being developed and tested using agent-based computational simulations and robotic experiments. The key challenges for evolutionary theories of language are outlined and some example results are discussed, highlighting models explaining how linguistic conventions get shared, […]
Capturing the Essence of Musicians

Finite-Length Markov Processes with Constraints

Markov constraints: steerable generation of Markov sequences

Closed-loop bird-computer interactions: A new method to study the role of bird callings

Finding Good Acoustic Features for Parrot Vocalizations: the Feature Generation Approach

A Design Pattern for Phrasal Constructions

Statistical physics of language dynamics

Language dynamics is a rapidly growing field that focuses on all processes related to the emergence, evolution, change and extinction of languages. Recently, the study of self-organization and evolution of language and meaning has led to the idea that a community of language users can be seen as a complex dynamical system, which collectively solves […]
Hit Song Science

Design Patterns in Fluid Construction Grammar

Construction Grammar is enthusiastically embraced by a growing group of linguists who find it a natural way to formulate their analyses. But so far there is no widespread formalization of construction grammar with a solid computational implementation. Fluid Construction Grammar attempts to fill this gap. It is a fully operational computational framework capturing many key […]