Generating Source-Streams for Extralinguistic Utterances
Playing with Virtual Musicians: the Continuator in practice
Crucial factors in the origins of word-meaning
We have been conducting large-scale public experiments with artificial robotic agents to explore what the necessary and sufficient prerequisites are for word-meaning pairs to evolve autonomously in a population of agents through a self-organized process. We focus not so much on the question of why language has evolved but rather on how. Our hypothesis is […]
DAFX-Digital Audio Effects
Phonemic coding might be a result of sensory-motor coupling dynamics
Human sound systems are invariably phone- mically coded. Furthermore, phoneme invento- ries follow very particular tendancies. To ex- plain these phenomena, there existed so far three kinds of approaches : Chomskyan”/cognitive innatism, morpho-perceptual innatism and the more recent approach of language as a com- plex cultural system which adapts under the pres- sure of e�cient […]
Novel Useful Features and Algorithms for the Recognition of Emotions in Speech
Recent years have been marked by the development of robotic pets or partners such as small animals or humanoids. People interact with them using natural human social cues, in particu� lar emotional expressions. It is crucial that robot can detect the emotional information contained in speech using only prosodic features, since this is often the […]