Human-Made Rock Mixes Feature Tight Relations Between Spectrum And Loudness
Imitative Leadsheet Generation with User Constraints
Avoiding Plagiarism in Markov Sequence Generation
28th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2014), Quebec (Canada), July, 2014. pp. 2731–2737.
The dynamics of correlated novelties
Novelties are a familiar part of daily life. They are also fundamental to the evolution of biological systems, human society, and technology. By opening new possibilities, one novelty can pave the way for others in a process that Kauffman has called “expanding the adjacent possible”. The dynamics of correlated novelties, however, have yet to be […]
Non-Conformant Harmonization: the Real Book in the Style of Take 6
Long-Distance Dependencies Without Filler-Gaps: A Cognitive-Functional Alternative in Fluid Construction Grammar
Long-distance dependencies are notoriously diffi cult to analyze in a formally explicit way because they involve constituents that seem to have been extracted from their canonical position in an utterance. The most widespread solution is to identify a GAP at an EXTRACTION SITE and to communicate information about that gap to its FILLER, as in […]
Fitness landscapes in cultural language evolution
Computational experiments in cultural language evolution are important because they help to reveal the cognitive mechanisms and cultural processes that continuously shape and reshape the structure and knowledge of language. However, understanding the intricate relations between these mechanisms and processes can be a daunting challenge. This paper proposes to recruit the concept of fitness landscapes […]
Complex Networks and Transport Systems: Application to Air Transport and Urban Mobility
This thesis is devoted to the study of transportation systems by means of Complex Systems and Complex Network Theories. Complex Networks are a tools of inestimable value in human transportation studies since in most of the cases the means of transportation used by individuals to move in space are bounded to move on a complex […]
An Air Traffic Control Model Based Local Optimization over the Airways Network
The introduction of a new SESAR scenario in the European Airspace will impact the functioning and the performances of the current Air Traffic Management (ATM) System. The understanding of the features and the limits of the current system could be crucial in order to improve and design the structure of the future ATM. In this […]
Internal and External Dynamics in Language: Evidence from Verb Regularity in a Historical Corpus of English
Human languages are rule governed, but almost invariably these rules have exceptions in the form of irregularities. Since rules in language are efficient and productive, the persistence of irregularity is an anomaly. How does irregularity linger in the face of internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) pressures to conform to a rule? Here we address this […]