On power chi expansions of f-divergences
Efficient team structures in an open-ended cooperative creativity experiment
Creativity is progressively acknowledged as the main driver for progress in all sectors of humankind’s activities: arts, science, technology, business, and social policies. Nowadays, many creative processes rely on many actors collectively contributing to an outcome. The same is true when groups of people collaborate in the solution of a complex problem. Despite the critical […]
Learning Complex Basis Functions For Invariant Representations Of Audio
Learning features from data has shown to be more successful than using hand-crafted features for many machine learning tasks. Inmusicinformationretrieval(MIR), features learned from windowed spectrograms are highly variant to transformations like transposition or time-shift. Such variances are undesirable when they are irrelevant for the respective MIR task. We propose an architecture called Complex Autoencoder (CAE) […]
Monte Carlo Information-Geometric Structures
Exponential families and mixture families are parametric probability models that can be geometrically studied as smooth statistical manifolds with respect to any statistical divergence like the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence or the Hellinger divergence. When equipping a statistical manifold with the KL divergence, the induced manifold structure is dually flat, and the KL divergence between distributions […]
Variation Network: Learning High-level Attributes for Controlled Input Manipulation
High-Level Control of Drum Track Generation Using Learned Patterns of Rhythmic Interaction
NONOTO: A Model-agnostic Web Interface for Interactive Music Composition by Inpainting
Inpainting-based generative modeling allows for stimulating human-machine interactions by letting users perform stylistically coherent local editions to an object using a statistical model. We presentNONOTO, a new interface for interactive music generation based on in-painting models. It is aimed both at researchers, by offering a simple and flexible API allowing them to connect their own […]
General scores for accessibility and inequality measures in urban areas
In the last decades, the acceleration of urban growth has led to an unprecedented level of urban interactions and interdependence. This situation calls for a significant effort among the scientific community to come up with engaging and meaningful visualizations and accessible scenario simulation engines. The present paper gives a contribution in this direction by providing […]
Subjectivity and complexity of facial attractiveness
The origin and meaning of facial beauty represent a longstanding puzzle. Despite the profuse literature devoted to facial attractiveness, its very nature, its determinants and the nature of inter-person differences remain controversial issues. Here we tackle such questions proposing a novel experimental approach in which human subjects, instead of rating natural faces, are allowed to […]