Analogy Adapts to the Structure of the World. Author’s Reply to ‘Analogy Is an Implicit Universal Semantic Map’ by Michael Cysouw (2010b)

Situated Learning through the Use of Language Games
Grammatical agreement is one of the most puzzling aspects found in natural language. Its acquisition requires intensive linguistic exposure and capacities to deal with outliers that break regular patterns. Other than relying on statistical methods to deal with agreement in a computational application, this paper demonstrates how agreement can be learned by artificial agents in […]
Modeling the emergence of universality in color naming patterns
The empirical evidence that human color categorization exhibits some universal patterns beyond superficial discrepancies across different cultures is a major breakthrough in cognitive science. As observed in the World Color Survey (WCS), indeed, any two groups of individuals develop quite different categorization patterns, but some universal properties can be identified by a statistical analysis over […]
Babel: A Tool for Running Experiments on the Evolution of Language
Modeling the Formation of Language: Conclusions and Future Research
Modeling the Formation of Language: Embodied Experiments
Modeling the Formation of Language in Embodied Agents: Methods and Open Challenges
Integrating high level cognitive systems with sensorimotor control
This paper presents a software system that integrates different computational paradigms to solve cognitive tasks of different levels. The system has been employed to empower research on very different platforms ranging from simple two-wheeled structures with only a few cheap sensors, to complex two-legged humanoid robots, with many actuators, degrees of freedom and sensors. It […]
Embodied determiners

In this paper we test the dominant paradigm for modeling the semantics of determined noun phrases called Generalized Quantifier Theory in embodied interactions with robots. We contrast the traditional approach with a new approach, called Clustering Determination, which is heavily inspired by research on grounding of sensorimotor categories, and we show that our approach performs […]
Language Networks: Their Structure, Function, and Evolution